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We're a community-founded group with an ambitious vision of becoming a support pillar for communities and people across Bristol. We initially started off as a Football Club with our inception in December 2019 by a small group of friends.

We organise sports-based programmes for young people to help build their confidence and self-esteem and to provide them with a positive and safe space to spend their free time. We know that organised and community sports events bring people together of all ages. This will help promote social interaction and build community connections, which will help to prevent the isolation that can lead to victimisation. We will also use these sessions to share information about resources and services with the community.

We aim to develop the participants as individuals beyond sport and activity by developing their future goals and motivations, overcoming barriers and discussing mental health, among many other aspects. Outcomes range from increased confidence and physical fitness to increased aspiration and self-esteem.


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